
Earning badges

At Scouting, part of the fun is earning badges! By attending our weekly meetings, your child will work towards earning lots of badges that they can proudly display on their uniform.

Additionally, they can earn MORE badges if they wish by doing their own badge work at home (see below for more information).

Below are the badges that your child can earn in each section – click on the images to enlarge them:

Squirrels badges

Beavers badges
Cubs badges

Scouts badges
Explorers badges

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Earning Badges At Home

Scout Badge Finder

As parents, carers, grandparents, friends etc, we know that trying to find out if something your young person has just done counts towards a badge, and if so, which badge, can be a nightmare!

The ‘Scout Badge Finder’ website aims to make your life a little easier. It is not affiliated with the Scout Association but is setup and run by scout leaders with the aim of making badge criteria more accessible to everyone. 

Why not take a look at!

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Badge Progress

You can check your badge records using the OSM Parent Portal:

When you complete a badge at home, you should upload your evidence directly to OSM:

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‘Survival can be summed up in three words – never give up.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout