Welcome to 2nd Toton Scout Group and the adventure of Scouting!
We are an active Scout Group that meet in Greenwood Community Centre in Toton. 2nd Toton Scout Group was established in September 1993, in response to the increasing demand for Scouting as the area’s population grew.
Our leaders decided on a half-and-half neckerchief with royal blue on the left and emerald green on the right, to uniquely identify the new group. The blue colour symbolises the River Erewash that still flows peacefully past our meeting place today, whilst the green colour represents the newly-built Greenwood Community development located on Chester Green.
We run as a charity and rely solely on voluntary adult support to deliver Scouting. Our Leadership team manage day-to-day Scouting activities, whilst the Executive Committee look after the business affairs of the Group and ensure compliance with the Charity Commission.
All adults involved in Scouting are DBS checked and are given comprehensive training to ensure that they are qualified to deliver Scouting that is challenging, fun and safe. Scouting at 2nd Toton is co-educational across all sections and is open to all.
The following information will hopefully answer any questions you may have about Scouting in general and how your child can benefit from joining 2nd Toton Scout Group.
- Section meeting times
- Moving up through the Group’s sections
- County, district, group and section explanation
- Management of 2nd Toton Scout Group
- Volunteering with us
- How much does it cost?
The Scouts Association:
Scouts made me a do-er and a give it a go-er. Made me question and listen and have a wide, open mind. Scouts made me take a deep breath and speak up. Made me think on my feet, made me see the big picture, made me ignore the butterflies and go for it. Scouts made me get back up and try again. Made me think about what’s next, and plan for it. Made me jump in, get muddy, give back and get set.
Join us now as see what Scout will make you…..
We’re Scouts and everyone’s welcome here. All genders, races and backgrounds. Every week, we give almost half a million people aged 4-25 the skills they need for school, college, university, the job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dreams: the skills they need for life.
Find out more at www.scouts.org.uk.
Section meeting times
2nd Toton Scout Group have four sections that meet weekly during Nottinghamshire school term time at the Greenwood Community Centre:
Squirrel Drey | 4-6 years old | Mondays, 4.45-5.45pm |
Beaver Colony | 6-8 years old | Mondays, 6-7.15pm |
Cub Pack | 8-10.5 years old | Fridays, 6.30-8pm |
Scout Group | 10.5-14 years old | Mondays, 7.30-9pm |
2nd Toton has strong relationships with Pioneer Explorers where our Scouts move on to Explorers. Pioneer Explorers meet at Stapleford Fire Station on a Monday evening for ages 14 to 18 years. There are three other Explorer Units available to our members.
Moving up through the Group’s sections
Squirrels are the youngest section to start with from 4 years old.
Squirrels then move on to Beavers at the end of the term closest to their 6th birthday.
Beavers move on to Cubs at the end of the term closest to their 8th birthday.
Cubs move on to Scouts at the end of the term closest to when they turn 10 1⁄2.
Scouts move to Explorers at the end of the term closest to their 14th birthday.
Explorers are encouraged to become Young Leaders after leaving the Troop and to help in the running of our Group.
Part of a global Scouting Family
You will often hear people talking about Group, District and County – here’s how it works in terms of our local structure and support:
Nottinghamshire Scout County (County)
—– SW Notts District Scouts (District)
———- 2nd Toton Scout Group (Group)
————— Squirrel Drey, Beaver Colony, Cub Pack and Scout Troop (Sections)
How 2nd Toton Scout Group is managed
Within our Group, we have our own management structure to ensure continued success and growth. All our team are volunteers who are dedicated to the aims and values of the Scouting movement and delivering quality Scouting in the local community.
- Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Elected members – responsible for managing the business affairs of the group and usually parents who want to support the group.
(responsible for operational Scouting activities)
Our current 2nd Toton leadership team consists of:
- Group Scout Leader & Deputy Group Scout Leader (uniformed)
- Squirrel, Beaver, Cub & Scout Section Leaders (uniformed)
- Squirrel, Beaver, Cub & Scout Assistant Section Leaders (uniformed)
- Squirrel, Beaver, Cub & Scout Sectional Assistants (uniform optional)
- Squirrel, Beaver, Cub & Scout occasional helpers – we ask that at least one parent from each member family to help out on a rota basis
Our sections are each run by the Section Leader and at least one Assistant Leader or Occasional Helper. All leaders are volunteers who give their time for free and receive training for their role. The Leaders are responsible for planning and running a programme of activities and games at section meetings and special events.
Volunteering with us
If you are interested in joining our leadership team, or would like more information, then please let us know.
You can either chat with your child’s Section Leader at the next meeting or drop us a message here.
You do not need to commit to every week, you only need to be willing to help out where and when you are able to!
We are always happy to have a chat with you to discuss where and how you can help!
How much does it cost?
Subscriptions (subs)
Subs are paid to the Scout Group and are payable at the start of each school term. The amount is currently set at £36 per full academic term – this equates to around £2.80 per session.
Payments are made via OSM – you can either set up an automatic subscription (the easiest and preferred way) or manual payments. You can find more information about this in Parents’ Information and OSM Payment Information.
This money covers:
- Membership to the Scout Association, which includes insurance when participating in Scouting activities (currently £57 per member);
- The cost of renting the Greenwood Community Centre to hold our weekly meetings in;
- The cost of maintenance and upkeep of our camping equipment and storage facility;
- Cost of badges earned by the Young People;
- Purchase of equipment and materials required to run section meeting activities;
- and much more…!
Events & Camps
For special evenings or activities (e.g. visits to places of interest or special activities provided on our behalf by external organisations), there is usually an additional fee to cover costs. Similarly, camps or sleepovers will attract an additional fee.
We are a uniformed organisation and parents/carers will be asked to buy a uniform for their child once they have settled into the section.